Accessible Golf Community Foundation




We are all golfers first. Adaptive golfers just happen to have unique, special needs .


Gianna Rojas, Adaptive Golf Advocate, World Ranked "One Handed Lady Golfer" CEO and Founder of

On-site certified treatment for PTSD, stroke, sports injury, surgery recovery, physical/body rehab, occupational therapy, adaptive golf equipment fitting, adaptive mobility training and fitting.

Education, intern and graduate student programs for all of the above.

Work program and training includes accessible needs employees.

We hire Veterans! We serve them, because they first served us!

Specialized business accessible/adaptive accredited training courses with certification.

Two accessible 9-hole Patent Pending Indoor Par 2 Golf courses.

Golf: Learn, play, train, and compete all in this facility.

Grace & Java Coffee & Snack Shop open 24/7.

Whether it is PTSD, surgery, loss of limb, stroke, or a sports injury, golf has become the number one remedy occupational therapists choose.

We will have on-site occupational and rehab facilities to treat all varieties of needs.

We will bring all the community organizations across the U.S. together, helping to create a central HUB where all the needs are met on a grand scale filling in where we are needed most!

We are seeking $15 Million* to build and equip an indoor accessible golf course and rehab facility to house the offices of the Accessible Golf Community Foundation (USAGCF), the rehab/occupational therapies departments, inclusive golf course and training facilities, education facility, Community HUB offices, and more. The money raised are covered under the nonprofit 501(c)(3) donor/grant regulations, providing our nonprofit status is approved.

If you would like to inquire about how to donate, or contact us at:

2024 All Rights Reserved.

Par 2 Golf  is a registered trademark of I Wanna Golf Now! Inc.

DISCLAIMER: *As you may be aware, the COMMUNITY is currently in the process of obtaining our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). We have taken all necessary steps to file our application and are optimistic about receiving approval. However, please note that until our tax-exempt status is officially recognized by the IRS, your donation may not be tax-deductible.